Thursday, July 5, 2012


I really do not feel like writing anything.

But I feel like I may die if I don't.

I want to do something, get up, not sleep anymore.

But I feel like I may die if I do.

What is wrong with me?


  1. "Apathy is one of the characteristic responses of any living organism when it is subjected to stimuli too intense or too complicated to cope with. The cure for apathy is comprehension."

    1. Thank you. You have no idea what that did for me--to be able to read that and open my eyes--comprehend, in a way.


A piece of writing should never stand alone--it should always be surrounded by opinion and companionship. So comment! Tell me what you think! Seriously. I'll never get better at this writing thing unless there's opposition. Argue with me. Praise me. Hate me. Love me. But write about it, please.