Wednesday, February 8, 2012

She (For Liz)

My vocal chords have been fighting
My mouth likes to spite me
It never says the words that come to mind
I brought a stick to a gunfight 
And I'm stuck with my tongue tied.
I run but I can't hide what's always there.

--she is the words that I can't find
How can the only thing that's killing me
Make me feel so alive?
and I couldn't speak
I couldn't breathe to save my life!
All of my chances swim like sinking ships
This time it's it--
I'll drown or make her mine.

I don't know what it is about this song...but I love it. Ever since the concert Monday...I cannot get this song out of my head! 

It's seriously.....probably my favorite right now.

"Laughing that the one thing I can't get is what I need!"

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