Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Here it is....it's Tuesday again.

How's it going?
It's Tuesday again.
I hate Tuesdays.
Do they have to come every week?
I could do every other week.

Anyway. I'm sitting here doing homework, writing a paper due tomorrow that I haven't even had the time to start on, and I'm also listening to music (that's just what I do. I can't focus otherwise). Guess what song comes up?

Meant to Live by Switchfoot

Yeah. You remember that song, right? It was the song of my pre-teens. But I'll admit, I've never heard it quite like I heard it tonight.

Have you ever really stopped to consider that "we were meant to live for so much more"?

What do you live for right now? I live for:

My Studies

Yep. I know lots of you live for the same thing. My Dad has been going to school for like 3 years....nonstop. No summer break. No off-track. Yuck.

Some people live to pay their bills.
To earn more money to pay for their wants.
To keep from failing.
To protect themselves from embarrassment.

I know that a lot of what I live for is trying obsessively to get rid of my faults.

These are all great, but what if we were meant to live for more than just that?

Here's what my list SHOULD look like:

Sunny days
Rainy days
Ice cream runs with my friends
Finding that aquariam in the basement of the MARB.
The Gospel
Loving myself.
Loving others.
Being loved.

But mostly, smiling.

Babies really get what's going on with life. They understand what they're supposed to live for.

I'm sure someday we'll all get it too. (Isn't my little brother just the cutest thing ever?)

1 comment:

  1. Rachel,
    I just selected your blog for the Liebster Award!!
    Go to my blog to check it out!
    love, mom


    P.S. And turn off your word verification, please! :)


A piece of writing should never stand alone--it should always be surrounded by opinion and companionship. So comment! Tell me what you think! Seriously. I'll never get better at this writing thing unless there's opposition. Argue with me. Praise me. Hate me. Love me. But write about it, please.