Sunday, August 12, 2012

Love Her Mother

Though I know it will not come for years and years, one of the most anticipated, already treasured moments of my life is holding my first little girl. In some, inexplicable way, I already love her. I already worry about her. I look forward to the day when she becomes more than a thought, an idea, a warmth and I get to hold her in my arms.

But the thing that I look forward to most, honestly, is watching her father meet her for the first time. I will know her already, but he will not--and the expression of love and wonder and gratitude on his face is one that I have imagined in my head a thousand times.

I know that it will be a singular reward in itself to watch him help her grow and learn and especially come to understand just how precious she is in ways that only he will be able to--and it is for those reasons that this message touched me.


  1. I love this. Thank you for sharing :)

  2. This is fantastic. The message was wonderful. You're an amazing writer as well.


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